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总公司地址: 2E / 239 Queen Street, Auckland CBD
联系方式: 0 8 0 0 1 6 8 0 0 0
中区旗舰体验店: 911 Dominion Road, Auckland(益家超市内)
联系方式: (0 9) 5 3 3 9 6 6 6
北岸Albany分店:100 Donmckinnon Drive, Albany, Auckland(大华超市内)
联系方式:(0 9) 4 1 4 6 6 6 8
北岸Northcote分店:53 Pearn Cresent, Northcote, Auckland(大华超市内)
联系方式:(0 9) 4 1 9 2 6 6 6
东区Pakuranga分店:3 Cortina Place, Pakuranga, Auckland(太平超市内)
联系方式:(0 9) 5 7 6 0 9 6 8
西区Henderson分店:203 Lincoln Road, Henderson, Auckland(太平超市内)
联系方式:(0 9) 8 3 7 5 1 7 5
1. 柜台办理换汇业务时,请汇款人务必携带本人有效身份证件才可办理业务;2. 请汇款人务必核实清楚汇款(收款)账户信息:纽币账户信息:完整姓名的户名,确认无误的账号人民币账户信息: 确认无误的开户人姓名,账号,开户行省市及支行名称;3. 收款人纽币账户若提供信息有误导致的误转,误投,以及误存的情况,本公司概不负责后续事宜;4. 收款人人民币账户若提供信息有误导致退款或误转的情况,本公司概不负责后续事宜,若出现退款后再次核实正确账户信息进行转账操作,将会在汇款金额上直接收取汇款人额外50人民币手续费用;5. 汇款人其他币种汇款信息若提供错误,本公司概不负责后续事宜,退款后若重新转款,手续费按照国际汇款标准另算;6. 任何超出常规入账时间的情况下,汇款账户未收到款项,汇款人都应优先提供汇款至今对应账户的流水,我公司收到流水并确认后,才会进行账户转款的核查;7. 汇款信息以汇款人的交易单签名或线上确认为准;8. 按照新西兰反洗钱及反恐怖融资法案(AML/CFT Policy),各个金融机构均为独立监管,人民币兑换纽币后,请随时保持预留手机号畅通,银行有可能会向汇款人询问资金来源,汇款人有责任和义务配合银行相关调查并出示证明(包括资金来源,汇款目的,持牌金融机构的交易单据等),如遇到语言不通的问题,可向银行提出安排相同语种的人员进行沟通,本公司概不负责相关沟通事宜;9. 汇款人无权要求本公司以何种方式或途径进行汇款,汇款时间由我公司的正常工作时间及不同银行的相关政策,以及新西兰反洗钱及反恐怖融资法案(AML/CFT Policy)的相关要求所决定,我公司仅提供大概的到账时间作为参考;10. 汇款人有责任和义务配合我公司核实汇款的全部或部分款项是否到账,如若无法进行配合核实款项,我公司将于汇款的24小时后,默认其款项已到账,并概不负责后续事宜;11. 任何已知或未知情况造成的超额汇款或错额汇款,我公司均有权对汇款人进行追讨,为防止此类情况发生,请汇款人务必提供完全可被自己控制的账户信息进行汇款,如出现超汇或错汇的情况,汇款人在7日之内未完成退款,我公司将会对超汇或错汇金额按照5%滞纳金进行额外收费;12. 汇款人单方面发起的任何形式的退款,都会被收取3%的手续费,但小额汇款出单三个工作日后,可申请免费退回未到账余款;13. 汇款人对我公司提供的账号,若进行存现的行为,一经发现,会被收取5%的手续费;14. 人民币转账时,请勿使用ATM机进行转账;15. 汇款人若不经我公司核实及同意,对当次换汇所预约的账号以外的其他账号进行转账所造成的损失,我公司概不负责,如我公司协助追回错转及误转款项,我公司将收取汇款人总金额5%的劳务费用(包括话费,工时成本等);16. 任何情况下,银行及中转行黑名单或银行及中转行因各种原因发起的单方面退款等此类不可控原因导致的延期到账或无法到账的情况,我公司仅做配合处理,概不承担任何责任及中间渠道的各类费用和损失。17. 您通过签署此文件,授权我公司可出于合规合法等原因将您的个人信息与政府相关部门及其他金融机构(如银行)分享。我公司不承担任何可能由此造成的费用和损失。*以上解释权均为MCM GROUP LIMITED(金元金融)所有。

1. The transferor shall provide valid identification documents while requesting over-the-counter transactions. 2. The transferor shall provide accurate and true information including full name and account number for New Zealand account, and full name, account number and the name and location (province and city) of the bank branch where the customer opened the bank account for RMB account.3. In the event the funds are transferred or deposited incorrectly due to the false/wrong information of the NZD account provided by the transferor, the Business shall take no responsibilities.4. In the event the funds are rejected by the other financial institutions due to the false/ wrong information of the RMB account provided by the transferee, the Business shall take no responsibilities. If the Business needs to correct the information and conduct the transfer again due to the rejection, the Business will charge ¥50 as transaction fee which will be deducted from the funds transferred directly.5. In the event the funds are not transferred successfully due to the false/wrong information of the international account (other than NZD or RMB) provided by the transferee, the Business shall take no responsibilities. If the Business needs to process the transfer again, the transaction fee will be charged separately based on the international remittance standards.6. If the transfer is out of the normal business hours, the transfer may be delayed. The transferor shall provide the corresponding bank records. Once the Business receives the corresponding bank records, the Business will verify the transfer.7. The exchange information is based on the online confirmation or the signed transaction form.8. According to the AML/CFT Act 2009, every financial institution has its own obligations to conduct account monitoring. After the transfer, you shall keep your mobile accessible, as the bank may contact you to enquire the source of funds. You shall cooperate with the bank’s request and provide necessary documents and information, e.g. source of funds, purposes of the transfer, the transaction record, etc. If you have difficulties in communicating in English, you may request the bank to arrange a mandarin-speaking employee. The Business will not and shall not be involved.9. The transferor has no rights to order the Business to use certain methods or institutions to conduct the transfer. The timeframe and methods are determined by the Business based on the normal business hours, banks’ policies and the requirements of AML/CFT Act 2009. The Business will only provide an estimated timeframe for your information.10. The transferor has the responsibilities to cooperate with the Business to verify if the required transfer is completed. If the transferor does not cooperate and the Business is not able to verify the completeness of the transfer, the Business will admit the completeness of the transfer autonomously after 24 hours and take no responsibilities afterwards.11. In the event the actual transfer is more or less than the transfer requested for any reason, the Business reserves the rights to chase the discrepancy. To avoid this situation, the transferor must ensure the bank account is under control. The transferor/transferee shall return/transfer the discrepancy within 7 natural days, otherwise the Business will charge forfeit penalty (5% of the discrepancy).12. The transferor will be charged an extra transaction fee (3% of the value of the transfer) for unilateral withdrawal request. For small transfers, the transferor can withdraw the unprocessed funds without any charge after three working days from the initial transfer.13. If the transferor deposit cash to the bank account we provided instead of online transfer, the Business will charge extra transaction fee (5% of the value of the transfer).14. Please do not use ATM to conduct the RMB transfer.15. If the transferor transfers funds to a bank account, other than the designated bank account, without the consent from the Business. The Business shall take no responsibilities. If the Business assists in chasing the funds, the Business will charge 5% of the value of the transfer to compensate the cost incurred.16. The Business does not take any responsibility when the transfer is delayed or unsuccessful due to issues caused by any bank for any reason, as the Business does not have any control on the banks involved in the process. The Business may assist but is not responsible for any cost or loss incurred. The customer must take the full responsibility.17. You authorise us to share your personal information with the government agencies and financial institutions (e.g. bank) for the purposes of being compliant and legitimate by signing this form. The Business is not responsible for any cost or loss incurred.*MCM Group Limited reserves all the rights including the right of final interpretation.
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